Walking with Christ 2024 Thousands walk with Christ 2024 3/06/2024 (See translation in Arabic section) Sydney - Middle East Times Int’l: Quoted from his newsletter, Bishop Anthony wrote thanking everyone who joined the Walk with Christ yesterday. Over 15,000 of you came to process through the streets of Sydney with our Eucharistic Lord.. In doing so, you proclaimed to our city the gift of redemption in Christ Jesus, not through your words but simply by walking with Christ whom you love. Like a priest calling down the Spirit upon the elements of bread and wine to change them into Christ’s Body and Blood, you exercised your priestly power as the baptised to call the Spirit down upon our city to change it into God’s kingdom. That His kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as in heaven, you brought Sydney our daily Bread, the Bread of Life. You proclaimed that Christ lives in our city, our communities, our hearts. He continued: As we processed down Macquarie Street and towards St Mary’s Cathedral, I paused to bless NSW Parliament House and to pray for our elected officials and the decisions they make. It was providential timing because a couple of hours ago, the parliamentary committee report into the so-called ‘equality’ bill was released, recommending the NSW parliament now proceed to consider the bill. In the coming days, I will offer some suggestions on how you might make your voice heard to your local MP, asking them to reject this extreme bill. It is just one of many challenges to the protection of religious liberties faced by people of faith in this country. I spoke about more of them on Friday in my address to the Sydney Catholic Business Network. I am convinced that the answer to such challenges is less about robust argument and clever rhetoric, but by the bold and prayerful witness of Catholics who want to walk with Christ not just on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, but every day of our lives. ** ** ** |